Advocacy Tools

Know Your Issue

The first step to being an advocate is educating yourself on the issues that are important to you. As an advocate for diaper need, learn about diaper need in America, get the latest diaper facts, and become familiar with the baby diaper statistics in your state.

Speak Powerfully

Talking about diaper need is a lot like talking about poverty being that the two are closely entertwined., a grassroots antipoverty advocacy organization, has developed EPIC Laser Talks to create short and compelling advocacy presentations.  Using the EPIC Laser Talks formula, you Engage your audience, state the Problem, Inform them about possible solutions, and provide a Call to Action. We suggest using the EPIC Laser Talk on U.S. Poverty to help you prepare.

Connect with your Federal, State, and Local Elected Officials

Connecting with your federal, state and local elected officials makes a difference. Tell them about diaper need and other basic needs in your community. Find links to FEDERAL, STATE and LOCAL elected officials at Locate your Senators and Congressional representatives at and House.govLocate your State Legislators at

Effective Ways to Advocate

Watch our advocacy animation to explore ways you can advocate to end diaper need in your community, statewide and across the country.