Startup nonprofits should plan to succeed

When I started the Lane County Diaper Bank along with Dina Harper, there were so many packages of diapers stacked in my living room that my son used them to build forts. Four years and 300,000 diapers later, Lane County Diaper Bank has an office and off-site storage...

Understanding & Preventing Diaper Rash

Did you know that babies without enough clean diapers are exposed to more potential health risks & are less likely to be accepted to daycares? In fact, there are a variety of health and financial issues that can stem from not having access to an adequate supply of...

Are Cloth Diapers Right For Your Baby?

Have you, like many others, found yourself wondering if cloth diapers are a good choice for your family? With the increasing popularity of cloth diapers, it is not surprising that this question has become quite common among parents of young children. While there are a...