Diaper Time is Talk Time
When you talk, read, and sing with your child—even before she can use words—you’re building her brain and helping to prepare her for success in school and in life.
But it may not always be easy to talk to babies, especially when they can’t talk back. To help, we’ve pulled fun tips and resources grounded in the best science, to help you talk, read, and sing with your child during everyday moments—like diaper time! Take the pledge to talk, read, and sing with your child every day.
“I pledge to talk, read, and sing with my children every day to boost their brain development!”
National Diaper Bank Network
By focusing on diaper need, the National Diaper Bank Network (NDBN) works to meet the basic needs of all American children and families. Our mission is to raise awareness of diaper need, strengthen community-based diaper banks, and generate donations of dollars and diapers, so that all babies remain clean, dry and healthy.
Too Small To Fail
Too Small to Fail, an initiative of the Clinton Foundation, is leading a public awareness and action campaign to promote the importance of early brain and language development and to empower parents with tools to talk, read, and sing with their young children from birth.
Diaper Time is Talk Time Social Media Graphics
Let’s Talk About Math
Let’s Sing Together
Supporting Social-Emotional Development
Click on image to download.