Black Lives Matter

Statement from National Diaper Bank Network

(issued June 30, 2020)

The recent murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery, as well as the wildly disproportionate loss of life among Black Americans who have succumbed to the COVID-19 virus, have laid bare the daily struggle against systemic inequities, injustice and violence in our country, in our states, and in our communities. The National Diaper Bank Network and our more than 200 community-based nonprofit programs recognize the anguish that each lost life causes and the struggle of our country to reconcile our purported values with the actions of our institutions. By providing material basic necessities, like diapers and period supplies, we hope to lift up the humanity of every American and share the belief that each one of us matters and should be supported to thrive and reach our full potential. As recognized and trusted leaders in our respective communities, we believe our collective voices can and should be heard. We envision a country where everyone can thrive and plan a brighter future, without daily struggles to survive. However, poverty, racism, inequity, violence and injustice stand in the way of our vision of hope. As an organization, we pledge to work internally to make change, and as a community to demand change. The National Diaper Bank Network strongly affirms that #BlackLivesMatter and we stand united with the Black community in the fight to end systemic inequities and injustice in the United States of America.

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Issued by National Diaper Bank Network | Alliance for Period Supplies